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Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian Cysts services offered in Decatur, GA

When ovarian cysts are uncomfortable or cause complications, treatment is available through the care of Albert Scott, Jr., MD, Mercy Amua-Quarshie, MD, and the team at Dekalb Women’s Specialists. Many women in and around Decatur and Stonecrest, Georgia, rely on the practice for outstanding care. Book an appointment online or by phone today to begin your own experience of excellent women’s health services. 

Ovarian Cysts Q&A

What causes ovarian cysts?

Cysts are small sacs filled with fluid. They can develop on many organs, including your ovaries. Ovarian cysts are very common, and most don’t create any noticeable symptoms or problems.  You can have one or more cysts at a time, and they can shrink and disappear without treatment. 

Functional cysts

These cysts develop as part of your normal menstrual cycle. Small cysts called follicles grow on your ovaries each month, producing estrogen and progesterone and releasing an egg. When a follicle does not burst to release the egg, a cyst can develop. Cysts can also occur when fluid builds up after an egg leaves the follicle. 

Other types of cysts

You can also develop cysts not linked to your menstrual cycle. Endometriosis can cause cysts when cells that normally line your uterus attach to an ovary. A dermoid cyst develops from the cells in your ovary that make eggs and can contain tissues like skin or hair. 

The first step in treating ovarian cysts is determining the type of cysts and the probable cause. 

Most cysts never present symptoms and are nothing to be concerned about. When symptoms are present, they include:

  1. Pelvic pain that can be sharp or dull
  2. Sensation of pressure in your abdomen
  3. Sensation of abdominal fullness
  4. Bloating

If you experience sudden, severe pelvic pain, or pain accompanied by fever or vomiting, seek medical help right away. Signs of shock like clammy skin, rapid breathing, and feeling lightheaded should also prompt immediate medical attention.

Very often, your gynecologist will recommend a period of watchful waiting. This means you’ll pay close attention to any symptoms and come in for periodic ultrasounds to see if the cyst(s) grow larger or change appearance. 

Hormonal therapy using birth control pills can help prevent new cysts from developing. This approach will not shrink existing cysts. Surgery is an option for cysts that are large or painful. These procedures can usually be done using minimally invasive techniques and may or may not involve removing the ovary. 

If you notice any changes in your menstrual cycle, reach out to Dekalb Women’s Specialists to schedule a diagnostic exam. You can book a visit using the online scheduling tool or call during normal business hours to check appointment availability.