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Birth Control

Birth Control services offered in Decatur, GA

Choosing the right method of birth control is a decision only you can make with the support of an experienced OB/GYN. At Dekalb Women’s Specialists, highly skilled physicians Mercy Amua-Quarshie, MD, and Albert Scott, Jr., MD, provide a variety of popular, effective birth control options for women, including pills, patches, and injections. The team also provides in-office procedures to place and remove intrauterine devices (IUDs). Call the Decatur or Stonecrest, Georgia, office to learn more about your options for birth control, or book a consultation online today.

Birth Control Q&A

How does birth control work?

Birth control describes medicines and devices you use to prevent unintended pregnancy. There are several birth control methods available, and each work differently to prevent pregnancy. These methods include:

Barrier methods

Barrier methods like condoms, diaphragms, and cervical caps prevent sperm from traveling to the egg for fertilization.

Hormonal methods

Hormonal birth control, like pills, injections, and patches, block the release of eggs from your ovaries to prevent fertilization. Hormonal methods also cause mucus in your cervix to thicken to stop sperm before they reach eggs.

Permanent sterilization

Permanent methods of birth control include tubal ligation, a surgical procedure to tie off the fallopian tubes, so eggs can’t travel to sperm for fertilization.

Dekalb Women’s Specialists offer a range of popular birth control methods, including:

  1. Pills
  2. Sponges
  3. Patches
  4. Diaphragms
  5. Implants
  6. Injections
  7. Vaginal rings

The team can also place an intrauterine device (IUD) into your uterus to provide long-lasting pregnancy protection. There are hormonal and copper IUDs available in the office.

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to birth control. The Dekalb Women’s Specialists team can help you make the best decision about pregnancy protection based on your plans for your family, age, overall health, and personal preferences.

For instance, hormonal IUDs are low maintenance and can provide effective pregnancy protection for several years. This may be a more convenient option for women who don’t want to take a daily pill or interrupt intimate moments to place a diaphragm. When you want to conceive a pregnancy, the team can remove the IUD during a quick, outpatient procedure. 

If you can’t tolerate hormonal birth control, you may be a candidate for a copper IUD. Copper in the device creates a toxic environment for sperm without using hormones and can provide up to 10 years of pregnancy protection. 

Women who have a new sexual partner or multiple partners should continue to use condoms to prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), even if they rely on another form of birth control.

Call Dekalb Women’s Specialists to schedule a birth control consultation or book an appointment online today.