
COVID-19 Updates

May 23, 2020
COVID-19 Updates
COVID-19 Updates All Meet and Greet events will be cancelled until further notice.

COVID-19 Updates

  • All Meet and Greet events will be cancelled until further notice.

Note that Coronavirus information can be obtained at the CDC website, please click here https://www.cdc.gov/and for specifics about Coronavirus and pregnancy click here https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prepare/pregnancy-breastfeeding.html#anchor_1584169262

In order to maintain a normal pregnancy, we stress taking your prenatal vitamins and getting good nutrition and regular exercise if you are staying at home. If you are not able to participate in outside activities and education you can still aide the health of your pregnancy by going to the following websites:

DeKalb Women’s Specialists does not endorse any of these websites and we don’t recommend purchasing of any products from any of the listed businesses. Use your best judgement when evaluating services and always pay attention to doctors recommendations that apply to you because of your specific limitations and diagnosis.